I’m attached to the word GEOGRAFIE as I am to the expectation of a promise, as I am to the suspension offered by displacement, as I am to the pleasure of signs, as I am to walking without a destination, as I am to geometric shapes, transparencies, interweaving, back and forth, ink and gazes. Wellness-Week, with its project of journeys and bodies and movements and self-knowledge, conjured up in my head these images of constellation, cartography, navigation, network, reticulated, plant and vegetation, paths, sand, stones, materials, in short. I can’t stop thinking about maps, written worlds, abstractions that synthesise vast ideas. Geographies, in fact. I invite you to read this book like an atlas in a map library, but also like a notebook of journeys, deviations, verifications, possibilities, beginnings, approaches and distances. But also like a collection of (post)cards, and finally like a notebook for checking materials and states: where have I been? What have I seen? We all want to write plans, projects, maps, connect dots, walk paths, follow lines, direct our gaze, interpret shapes. It’s not unusual for a written route to lead us elsewhere. Geographies always contain stories.