Les enfants du Vésuve


Football Stories. Cahiers du football, Napoli, Pozzuoli. © Giovanni Ambrosio

Naples landscape from corso Vittorio Emanuele

Football Stories. Cahiers du football, Napoli, Pozzuoli. © Giovanni Ambrosio

Supporters coffee minutes before a game again FC Barcelona

Supporters capturing the arrival at the stadium of Napoli players bus

Supporters capturing the arrival at the stadium of Napoli players bus

Supporters capturing the arrival at the stadium of Napoli players bus

Supporters capturing the arrival at the stadium of Napoli players bus

After the game street food at stadio San Paolo Napoli

After the game street food at stadio San Paolo Napoli

People walk home after the end of the game

People walk home after the end of the game

People drive home after the end of the game

People drive home after the end of the game

A supporter of Pozzuoli local team

A supporter of Pozzuoli local team

Roberto a cook in Pozzuoli offering catering for SSC Napoli

Roberto a cook in Pozzuoli offering catering for SSC Napoli

Pozzuoli landscape

Pozzuoli landscape

The stadium in Pozzuoli

The stadium in Pozzuoli
