- Artist Philip Boulay
- Designer and artist Giovanni Ambrosio
- Les Sept Arpents books black-spring-graphics.com
- All Philip Boulay books black-spring-graphics.com
Portraits d’habitants
Nos images, nos conversations, ce qui peut faire naître la parole. Un projet de Philip Boulay, Wor(l)ds…Cie.
The first stages related to the long term field investigation work by Philip Boulay, director of Wor(l)ds…Cie., in a specific neighbourhood in the outskirts of Paris, Les Sept Arpents. Two tiles of an intense composition of a mosaic depicting a community through the collection of its members voices. I and Philip Boulay are building up a long term collaboration, not only based on my work as a photographer or as a designer, but also on the sharing of our own aesthetics, building up works going beyond the stage.
Within the public presentation of the stories collected by Philip Boulay, I have set, in local café, an exhibition with printed works coming from my work Archiver Emerger and a screening of works coming from Definitions Méthodes.
Voici des extraits d’entretiens, conversations, paroles, portraits, traces, fragments, comme autant de mémoires familiales et de souvenirs des absents, de ceux partis qui sont toujours là. Etre soi, être portrait, être archive, être ville, être image, être lieu. Être une vie, une vie en vie. Converser, archiver, désarchiver, défragmenter, fragmenter. Restituer. Redisposer.
Philip Boulay
- Artist Philip Boulay
- Designer and artist Giovanni Ambrosio
- Les Sept Arpents books black-spring-graphics.com
- All Philip Boulay books black-spring-graphics.com