Innovative Program Hosted Inside Ottaviano’s Traditional Rite of Festa di San Michele
A Festive Program to (Re)Live the Rites of Festa di San Michele of Ottaviano.
We have been excited to curate and produce an innovative program hosted inside Ottaviano’s traditional rite of Festa di San Michele. This program was developed by Giovanni Ambrosio for Vesuvio Adventures, a local cultural association, who has a passion for integrating innovation with tradition.
The program was meticulously written to enhance the experience of the Festa di San Michele attendees and to enhance a previous installation called il Monumento Desiderato. It incorporates traditional rite elements while introducing innovative features designed to engage and entertain the attendees. It also invites us to analyse the notion of rite and festa themselves.
The result is a program that respects the tradition of the Festa di San Michele while adding a modern twist.
Our choice of venue, the deconsecrated Church of the Ave Gratia Plena convent on Via salita san Michele, was a deliberate one. We wanted to invite people to rediscover this space, to feel its history, and to learn its stories. The panels we installed narrate the history of the church and of San Michele, each one a testament to our rich heritage.